DeveloPRO Statistics
- most and least checked out aparments
- list of most and least inquired about aparments
- number of inquiries and time of day most popular for internauts to contact
- most popular search criteria
- history of contact forms
- most visited websites
- number of new and returning users
- avarage time spent browsing the website

Apartment statistics
Due to integration with Google Analitics and Facebook’s Pixel you can run even more effective marketing campaigns. You can also monitor current condition of your campaign and make appropriate actions to optimize it.
Get a quoteGoogle Analytics + Pixel Facebook
Dzięki integracji z narzędziami Google Analitics oraz Pixel od Facebooka możesz prowadzić jeszcze skuteczniejsze kampanie marketingowe. Dodatkowo możesz za pomocą raportów monitorować obecną kondycję swoich kampanii i podjąć właściwe kroki w celu jej optymalizacji.
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Find out users' behavior
Each and every user is unique. We know this, which is why we created a system, in which you can find out which criteria are most popular in the website’s search engine, number of inquiries in a given timeframe and even go back and analyze questions in the clear form history.
Get a quoteGot questions? We have the answers!
Write us using the contact form and a proper specialist with get in touch with you within a business day.